"Type: AnnualPlanting Time:Spring/AutumnGermination Temperature:15~25°CGrowth Temperature:15~35°CHeight: 50-70cmBloom time: May-SeptemberSeed NO. in 1 gram: 350" The flower stems stand upright, the flowers are dense and colorful, and the flowers are in clusters. If there are pearls...
Trifolium repens Seeds
Leguminous perennial herb. The main root is short, the lateral roots are well developed, and there are many nodules. Stem solid, creeping glabrous, 30~60cm long.It is a herbaceous, perennial plant. It is low growing, with...
Tropaeolum Majus Seeds
Type: AnnualPlanting Time:SpringGermination Temperature:15~25°CGrowth Temperature:15~35°CHeight:30-50 cmBloom time:August-October Seed NO. in 1 gram: 8 The whole plant can produce dozens of flowers at the same time, with pungent aroma and gorgeous color, which has won people's...
Tropaeolum Majus Seeds
"Type: AnnualPlanting Time:SpringGermination Temperature:15~25°CGrowth Temperature:15~35°CHeight:30-50 cmBloom time:August-October Seed NO. in 1 gram: 8"The whole plant can produce dozens of flowers at the same time, with pungent aroma and gorgeous color, which has won people's love....
Tropaeolum Majus Seeds
Type: AnnualPlanting Time:SpringGermination Temperature:15~25°CGrowth Temperature:15~35°CHeight:30-50 cmBloom time:August-October Seed NO. in 1 gram: 9 The whole plant can produce dozens of flowers at the same time, with pungent aroma and gorgeous color, which has won people's...
Tropaeolum Majus Seeds
Type: AnnualPlanting Time:SpringGermination Temperature:15~25°CGrowth Temperature:15~35°CBloom time:August-October Seed NO. in 1 gram: 8 The whole plant can produce dozens of flowers at the same time, with pungent aroma and gorgeous color, which has won people's love....
UFO Melon & UFO Squash Seeds
Hybrid:Non, Dia:10-12cm. note:please seeds stored in a cool, dry place. Damaged oacking as if to buy. Because of weather conditions orloss caused by improper cultivation techniques, live outside the...
Ulmus parvifolia Seeds
Origin:ChinaPurity:99% aboveGermination Rate:85%above Light loving and drought resistant Up to 25 meters. The diameter at breast height can reach 1 meter. The flowering and fruiting period is from August to October.
Ulmus pumila seeds
Origin:China Purity:99% above Germination Rate:85%above The Siberian elm is usually a small to medium-sized, often bushy, deciduous tree growing to 25 m tall, the d.b.h. to 1 m; the bark is dark gray, irregularly longitudinally...
Uraria crinita Seeds
Sowing season: Four SeasonsSuitable temperature for germination: 4 degreesGermination cycle: 7-14 daysSuitable temperature for growth: 12-27 degreesGrowth plant height: 80-120cmGrowth cycle: perennialGrass quality: rich leaves, fast growth and high yieldFeeding range: chickens, ducks, geese, fish,...
Vaccaria segetalis seeds
Origin:China Purity:99% above Germination Rate:85%above Promote blood circulation and menstruation, lower breast detumescence. It is a blood activating and menstrual regulating drug under the classification of blood activating and stasis removing drugs.
Vatica mangachapoi seeds
Because the fruit is harvested in different seasons, we can't guarantee availability at any time. If you need to know and buy fresh fruit seeds, please contact online customer service or send an email to...
Verbena Bonariensis Seeds
Type: PerennialPlanting Time:Spring/AutumnGermination Temperature:15~25°CGrowth Temperature:15~35°CHeight: 40-100cmBloom time: June-SeptemberSeed NO. in 1 gram: 4880 The base is lignified, the single leaves are opposite, the flowers are petite, and the flowers are spikes. The terminal plant has...
Verbena bonariensis Seeds
Type: perennialPlanting Time: SpringBloom description: BlueGermination Temperature:20~25℃Growth Temperature:20~30℃Height: 100CMBloom time: June to AugustSeed NO. in 1 gram: 3700 It is widely used in landscape layout. Due to its spectacular planting effect, it is often used...
Verbena Hybrida seeds
"Type: PerennialPlanting Time:Spring / AutumnGermination Temperature:15~25°CGrowth Temperature:15~35°CHeight: 60~80cmBloom time: May-JulyApplication: WatchSeed NO. in 1 gram: 980" It has a bright appearance, lush flowers, clear and elegant, and the flowers have a fresh fragrance like...