"hybrid:no, It is a climbing vine plant, an annual climbing herb, with soft hairs, white flowers in summer and autumn, and monoecious. The vine of the gourd can be up to 15 meters long, and the fruit can range from 10 cm to one meter. Gourd likes a warm, sheltered environment and requires a lot of space for planting. Seedlings are afraid of freezing. Fresh gourd skin is tender green with white flesh. The fruit is also called gourd and can be harvested as a vegetable when it is immature. The length of the vines, the size of the leaves and flowers, and the size and shape of the fruit are different for each cultivation type of gourd. The fruit has rod-shaped, scoop-shaped, dolphin-shaped, pot-shaped, etc. The name of the type also depends on the shape of the fruit. In addition, in ancient times, people dried the gourds and hollowed them out to make objects for holding things."